Triton alpestre (F); Alpenwatersalamander (NL); Bergvattensalamander (S); Bjergsalamander (DK); Colek horský (CZ)

Widespread and abundant in Central Europe; northern limit in Denmark. On the 3 southern peninsulas restricted to mountains, up to 2500 m. Absent in Great Britain and Ireland.

about 7.5-9 cm,
about 10-22 cm.

Metamorphosed Animals:
The only newt with unspotted and bright orange-red belly. have a yellow-black spotted, 2 mm high, smooth-edged crest.

Middle March to June. Terrestrial after breeding. Terrestrial without dorsal crest, than usually darker.


Alpine newt
Ichthyosaura (Triturus) alpestris

male Alpine newt
back of Alpine newt
female Alpine newt

Metamorphosed Animals
XXL slide


